How to Burn Bridges

Into every writer’s life some adversity will fall. You can never predict whether it will be an editor making death threats or awaiting the results of the multimillion dollar auction for your novel. Chances are, however, that you’re much more likely to face common problems: you don’t get paid on schedule, your sales are poor, your life does not suddenly become better because you have a book out there.

You suck it up and get back to writing and sending things out. It’s like lather, rinse, repeat: write, submit, write more. In between you’ll curse at the rejections and crow at the acceptances but life pretty much goes on like that until you keel over at the keyboard.

Except sometimes you really do run into more than the garden variety annoyances and move up into the category that my pal Chloë refers to as ballbaggery (and yes, writers can be equally guilty of idiocy, but seldom in a position to screw so many people in one feel swoop).

I just made a book trailer for a bunch of authors who had dealings with a particularly deplorable “publisher” and bounced back from it by showing him how it’s done; putting together a collection of terrific work by writers known and unknown, with great cover art and professional editing.

What’s that? Surely the bare minimum expected of a published book? Yeah, you’d think.


So here’s the video: consider it a conjuration to cast off the negative effects and replace them with our own success. It’s why we set fire to things we no longer wish to have in our lives. It’s a damn fine book, too. Get it today.